concept, strategy and experience direction

At a global ad agency there is a lot of stuff happening in and out of the office. People on shoots, at meetings, making things and making things happen. We wanted to showcase that sense of energy by creating a frictionless way to share and display what employees are working on right now.

I was instrumental in developing the strategic insight on how the tool should function. I realized no one would adopt the tool unless it fit simply into current habits and behaviors. The tool had to utilize how employees already share content without requiring them to download an app or upload media to a site. The solution was simple - email. 

Employees simply email their pictures or videos to dedicated email address. The system did the rest - disposing of content that didn’t come from an employee email address, parsing the name of the employee and adding the caption from the subject line.  

I managed the UX portion of the project, working with the UX team and design team to develop multiple approaches to displaying content in real time. I helped research and solve technical issues surrounding image processing. Finally, I helped develop rollout plan and educational material to ensure agency wide adoption of the tool.

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