The Iron Sieve

November 8, 2017



The republicanS' and trump'S and steve Bannon's really bad no good horrible day.

Democrats pretty much won everything at a very wide margin.


Democrat won governor's seat. According to pundits and polls he was supposed win or lose by a very small margin. He ended up winning by 9% points. >

A transgender woman, Danica Roem won a seat in the state legislature from Robert G. Marshall, a man who once bragged that he was Virginia's "chief homophobe" >

Democrats won other positions within the legislature and positions despite the fact that the state is one of the most Republican gerrymandered states in the country. >


Philip Murphy, a Democrat, beat the Republican candidate for governor by more than 13 points. This office was held by Chris Christie for the last two terms. >


The Democrats took control of Washington State's legislature from the Republicans with the election Manka Dhingra. She beat the Republican candidate by more than 10 points. Before the election, Washington had the only state legislature on the west coast controlled by Republicans. > 


Maine almost went for Trump last year. This year they voted resoundingly to expand government-paid health care to tens of thousands of mostly lower-income people, the exact opposite of what Republicans in Washington have spent the past year trying to do. >


First black female mayor of Charlotte, NC. First black mayor of Statesboro, Ga. First black mayor of Cairo, Ga. First black mayor of Milledgeville, Ga. First black mayor of Georgetown, S.C. First black mayor of Helena, Mont. First black mayor of St. Paul, Minn. First Latinas elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. First Asian American female to be elected to Virginia House of Delegates


Photo by DragonImages/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by DragonImages/iStock / Getty Images


Both Republicans and Democrats support some form of gun control

Congress may not be able to agree on gun control but the rest of us are less divided then the news would have you think.

Registered Republicans and gun control:

  • 89% support preventing the mentally ill from purchasing guns
  • 82% support barring gun purchases by people on watch lists
  • 77% support background checks for private sales at gun shows
  • 56% support creating a federal database to track gun sales
  • 54% support banning assault-style weapons


There's never been less violence

Trump isn't all that unusual, even by American standards


It's never been safer to be an American

US really has 11 separate 'nations'